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Mr. Li Lu, Vice Chairman of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce and his delegation investigated and surveyed the corporate culture construct

Time Published:2012-08-28Source:English.sanpowergroupAuthor:sanpower_news
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Mr. Li Lu, Vice Chairman of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce and his delegation visited Sanpower Group for investigation and survey of the corporate culture construction on the morning of 31st July; Mr. Zheng Dewei, vice chairman of Nanjing Federation of Industry and Commerce and Mr. Yuan Yafei, Chairman of the Board accompanied them in the whole course of visit, and attended the  investigation symposium.



Sanpower Group has gained quite good achievements on brand construction, corporate culture, industrial transformation, innovation management, charity and public welfare and the like over the past five years. In the symposium, Chairman Yuan Yafei said, “Sanpower Group will unceasingly strengthen the corporate culture construction under the lead of Federation of Industry and Commerce at all levels, we actively advocate the values of“sincerity” “know better” “keen eyesight” “positive attitude” “self-examination” and “equilibrium”, so as to create a good corporate image and environment.


Mr. Li Lu, Vice Chairman of All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce emphasized that corporate culture is the soul of the enterprise, and is a tool for self-improvement and self-education of an entrepreneur; He hoped that Sanpower Group would continuously develop three provinces’ cultures, help employees to shape correct values, set up own corporate culture, and strive to become a sustainable world-class enterprise with Chinese characteristics .