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Chairman of the Board of Nanjing Chapter of the EU Chamber of Commerce in China visits Sanpower Group

Time Published:2016-08-19Source:Author:
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On 3 August, Bernhard Weber, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nanjing Chapter of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China and Senior Vice President of BSH Home Appliances Group (China), and Zhang Mei, General Manager of the Nanjing Chapter of the European Union Chamber of Commerce visited Sanpower Group. Yue Lei, Senior Vice President of Sanpower Group, received the guests. The two sides held an in-depth discussion of the management of overseas companies and charity.

The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China is a widely influential service platform for information sharing and exchange for more than 1,600 European enterprises in China. Bernhard Weber and his group visited the Sanpower corporate culture showroom and the Brookstone concept store, gaining an in-depth understanding of the commercial positioning of Sanpower Group. Bernhard Weber expressed his admiration for the speed of Sanpower’s growth. He also presented the European Business in China Position Paper to Yue Lei, a collection of suggestions for improving the business environment for European Union enterprises in China.

Yue Lei introduced the Sanpower concept of developing international business and charity work in step with each other, in particular drawing attention to the investments made in promoting global wildlife protection. Yue Lei noted that Sanpower is willing to participate in and support the activities of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China and promote exchanges and collaborations between local Chinese firms and foreign-funded enterprises.

Both parties said that they will continue to communicate and promote in-depth commercial and philanthropic cooperation between Chinese and European companies through the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, creating unique success stories and developing mutually beneficial partnerships between Chinese and European firms.