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The Cenbest Store of Hisap Brookstone opens

Time Published:2016-08-29Source:Author:
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On 13 August, the Hisap Brookstone Nanjing Cenbest Store grandly opened, unleashing a new trend for novelty in Nanjing Xinjiekou, China’s number one shopping destination. This is the sixth Hisap Brookstone store to open. In only half a year, the fashion for novelty items has swept across the whole of the Yangtze River delta economic belt, sparking shopping frenzies in each location.

Novelty products hit “China’s number one shopping destination” for the first time, bringing extraordinary and novel experiences

On the day of the opening, Xin Kexia, Chairman of Brookstone China and President of Hisap, Fu Dunxun, President of Cenbest, Wang Lihong, CEO of Brookstone China, Su Jie, Executive Vice President of Cenbest, and Wu Xiaomei, Vice President of Cenbest, attended the opening ceremony and witnessed the launch of the Hisap Brookstone Nanjing Cenbest Store.

The Nanjing Cenbest Store is the fourth Hisap Brookstone store in Nanjing, meaning that its network in the Nanjing market has basically taken shape. It is the first Hisap Brookstone store to open in Nanjing Xinjiekou, which enjoys the reputation of being “China’s number one shopping destination”. The store will allow more and more customers feel the “easy surprises” offered by Hisap Brookstone.

Brookstone is an electronics and novelty product retailer from the USA with a history of more than 50 years. It is the synonym for novelty products in American minds. The novelty products it has promoted have become loved by all classes of people. Furthermore, the “scene-based experience” marketing model developed by Brookstone focuses on the customer’s experience, creating a superior shopping space for customers and ensuring that goods are visible and tangible by building real-life scenes. This brings the goods to life and allows customers to experience them at any time.

The entire grand opening was broadcast live on the Internet and the novelty products sparked a promotion frenzy

The Cenbest Store was full of points of interest and drew a great deal of attention on the opening day. The store was crowded and popular. Each experience area was busy with customers, who experimented with the novelty products under the instruction of the experience teachers in the store. A number of big spenders were also present. A lot of customers pushed full shopping carts to the line at the checkout.

One customer, Mr. Sun, was at the checkout paying for more than ten heated neck and back massagers. He said that the novelty massage device was practical as well as convenient and much better than the similar kind of products found elsewhere. He wanted to take advantage of the opening to buy a few more massage devices and send them not only to every older family member but also to colleagues at his company.

Five popular Internet video bloggers were invited to the opening to film live broadcasts during the entire process. The bloggers, who were coming into contact with these novelty products for the first time, could attract fans while they experienced the product. One millennial Internet sensation noted that she likes broadcasting live while playing computer games and if she can wear the cool cat earphones at the same time, she believes that she can gain more attention.

Their fans were incredibly interested in the novelty products, asking what they felt like in the comment section, with some even saying they hoped to come to the store to experience them for themselves. The novelty products from Brookstone subtly brought something new to the live broadcasts. It is believed that in the near future, these novel technology products will breathe new life into the live broadcasting industry.

New energy from Hisap Brookstone assists in transformation of traditional department stores

In recent years, traditional department stores have been under attack and Cenbest also has encountered a number of challenges. Cenbest has gradually made a transformation from a traditional department store to a modern department store through measures such as experience-based consumption, interactive consumption, Internet plus approaches, brand differentiation, precision marketing and innovative sales promotion schemes.

The surprise experience model for Brookstone is different from traditional department stores and represents a fresh approach to retail. Novelty products expand Cenbest’s product range and customer groups. The Brookstone model represents an extended service and an upgraded experience on Cenbest. This new kind of marketing model infuses new energy into Cenbest. The opening of Hisap Brookstone Xinjiekou Store will attract more Nanjing citizens to Nanjing Cenbest to buy or experience novelty products and feel the “easy surprises” that novelty brings.