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Flying Eagle Program of Sanpower Group Unveiled

Time Published:2016-11-13Source:Author:
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With the accelerated transformation of Sanpower, talent is becoming more and more high-demanding. The fast changing business environment has brought unprecedented challenges and opportunities, to the extent that Sanpower needs to nurture a group of aspiring leaders, who can grow up with the enterprise together, bravely take responsibilities and lead the team forward.

After more than six months of preparation by Sanpower Management Academy, from November 3rd to 6th, the Top-level Design in Sanpower’s Eagle Programs System—the first phase of the Flying Eagle Program and the high-potential classes of senior executives of Sanpower system were unveiled. The Flying Eagle Program was divided into the units of A, B, and C. Surrounding the development of leadership, the program aims to motivate the trainees to maintain high-performance business intelligence, and promote their ability to lead the rapid innovation and transformation of the organization.

At the inaugural ceremony of the Flying Eagle Program, Yuan Yafei, Chairman of Sanpower Group, expressed the requirements and expectations of the trainees, namely: Great injustice can hold your heart and cultivate feelings; with greater pattern, you can achieve higher performance.

Meanwhile, Yuan stressed that if one wants to become a qualified leader, he must first learn how to conduct himself. First of all, never complain, forever be positive, never be negative. At the same time, only if you are open-minded can you have feelings; with feelings, there will be a pattern, then there will be a layout and finally a good ending. Finally, keep close to gentleman and keep away from the mean and selfish characters; make friends with honest, kind, smart people. To a large extent, people beside you will determine what you would be.

In the VP high-end forum , Yi Chuilin, Senior Vice President of Sanpower Group, shared a classic case in investment and M&A of Sanpower. Shi Changyun, Vice President of Sanpower Group, shared the managerial methodology of Sanpower. During two and a half days of outdoor learning, the trainees participated in the Mindfulness Leadership Workshop, and enhanced personal cultivation by focusing on five dimensions of “clearing meaning”, “adjusting perspective”, “building relationship”, “managing energy” and “participating actively”. On the last day, they participated in a valuable Sanpower Think-Tank sharing session.

Zhu Wei, CEO of Funtalk Telecommunications, brought the transformation experience of the company. He introduced that the generation after 1980s and 1990s has become the main customer base, and that the consumer demand has changed from material consumption to diversified spiritual consumption. Funtalk Telecommunications has been successfully transformed from a traditional communication enterprise into an Internet enterprise through the realization of scene and Internet.

Liu Ping, Vice President of Hisap, shared the standardized and reproducible “transformation experience” of the store. Hisap carried forward the spirit of “running ten miles with one steamed bread” during the transformation process and solved many problems of product, operation and market, and got praise of the trainees.

David Walmsley, Chief Customer Officer (CCO) of House of Fraser UK, and Kong Jun, President of House of Fraser China, introduced their target customers and their core strategies for attracting customers, shared the HOF brand concept, as well as the global strategies for promoting their house brands.

As an important leadership program, the Flying Eagle Program provides a cross-cultural communication platform, as well as a synergic opportunity, which will play an important meaning and effect on future synergy of Sanpower, and contribute unique value to the development of the organization.

During the training, partners from the Group and the platform get a chance to be truly close to get close to each other and understand each other’s business, so as to learn each other’s merits and erect an overall perspective.

The Flying Eagle Program promoted the cross-cultural communication. Four overseas executives who first came to Sanpower to participate in the project felt the caring of Sanpower Group for foreign staff. In the face of lingual, cultural and geographical differences, domestic and foreign partners worked together and delivered the positive energy of “One Sanpower”.

The 4-day Flying Eagle Program (Unit A) having rounded off, the Unit B will be launched in January 2017, when these 29 executives will reunite again. “Eagle Program” is a talent development and training project launched by Sanpower Management Academy, including Thousand Talents Program, Young Eagle Program, Soaring Eagle Program, Fighting Eagle Program and Flying Eagle Program. Among them, the Flying Eagle Program is a very important global leadership program of Sanpower Group, which is committed to talent selection, leadership training, achievement of business results and think-tank sharing.