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CEO of Docobo visits Sanpower

Time Published:2016-11-04Source:Author:
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On 26th October, accompanied by leaders of Jiangsu Provincial Health and Family Planning Commission, Adrian Flowerday, CEO of a UK healthcare information company, Docobo, and Dean Ayres, Deputy Director of Community Medical Service Agency of Patients2People Co., Ltd, paid a visit to Sanpower Group. Feng Qianjia, senior strategy director in Biotherapeutics Strategic Service Management Centre of Sanpower, received the guests.

During the talk, Adrian Flowerday provided brief information of Docobo’s two star products—health data analysis and telemedicine monitoring. He hoped that exchanges between Sanpower and Docobo could be strengthened while cooperation in the aspect of precision medical services furthered. Dean Ayres was optimistic about the existing healthcare industrial layout of Sanpower, hoping that Patients2People could build an alliance with Sanpower while high-tech medical products and big data analysis could be applied to the development of healthcare industry.

From such three aspects as biomedicine, medical services and health and senior-care, Feng Qianjia talked about the strategic industrial layout of “New Health” in Sanpower. She remarked, “Sanpower targets to establish an internationally leading enterprise in precision medicine. We desire to coordinate closely with foreign medical industries, making concerted efforts to advance the medical cause.”