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Sanpower Group awarded Chinese Investor of the Year

Time Published:2016-11-21Source:Author:
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The UK Business Awards 2016, organized by the British Chamber of Commerce Shanghai, opened on 3rd November in Shanghai. Eight prizes in total were awarded and Sanpower Group won the Chinese Investor of the Year Award. Yue Lei, Senior Vice President of Sanpower, accepted the honor and made a speech on behalf of the Group.

It’s reported that the British Chamber of Commerce Shanghai, founded in 1915, has celebrated its hundredth anniversary last year. At the end of March, 2016, Sanpower Group will officially join the chamber which has now accepted about 350 enterprises as its members. In 2014, through the Group’s subsidiary, the Nanjing Xinjiekou Department Store Company, Sanpower acquired the century-old British department store chain House of Fraser (HOF), thus providing strong support to HOF’s development while also obtaining supply chains and advanced experience that benefited the transformation and upgrading of the Group’s retail business. The successful acquisition of HOF made Sanpower known at home and abroad and also earned it the Chinese Investor of the Year Award.

In his acceptance speech, Yue Lei said that no medals, gold or silver, could ever compare with good business credit. Sanpower’s prosperity in the UK should first be attributed to the “golden age” opened by the leaderships of China and the UK. Sanpower will not stop its advance in the UK, nor will it slow its pace. The Group will continue to take actions, striving to become not only a beneficiary but also a builder and propeller.

Amity between people holds the key to sound relations between countries. Now the UK-China relationship is enjoying its golden decade and it’s exactly in this context that Sanpower forged a bond with the UK which facilitated the friendly cooperation and communication between Chinese and English enterprises as well as the Group’s partnership with HOF. In the future, Sanpower will continue to deepen the business cooperation with English companies, making contributions to the friendly exchanges between China and the UK.