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EUCCC visits Sanpower for cooperation

Time Published:2016-12-20Source:Author:
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On December 6, Bernhard Weber, Board Chair of Nanjing, European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC) and Senior Vice President of BSH Home Appliances Holding (China) Co., Ltd., led EUCCC members to Sanpower Group (Sanpower). Hu Leiyong, Senior Director of the Public Relations and Administration Centre, Sanpower and Zhang Yingjian, Business Director of the External Cooperation Management Centre, Sanpower received the visitors.

The EUCCC delegation first visited Sanpower’s corporate culture showroom. After learning about Sanpower’s overseas layout and development strategy, the EUCCC members admired Sanpower’s development.

At the subsequent meeting, Weber introduced EUCCC. Now EUCCC serves more than 1,600 European enterprises in China, provides an information sharing and exchange service platform, has offices in nine Chinese cities, and is committed to promoting the business cooperation between Chinese and European enterprises. He expected to maintain communication and exchanges with Sanpower to jointly promote the win-win cooperation between Chinese and European enterprises.

Hu introduced Sanpower's history and strategic layout, as well as its concept of "M&A first, investment second, synergy, resources complementation" in the process of "globalization". He said that Sanpower supports EUCCC's events, expecting to promote the exchanges and cooperation between Chinese enterprises and foreign enterprises through EUCCC.