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2016 China-Israel Life Science Innovation and Investment Conference held successfully at Sanpower Group

Time Published:2016-12-22Source:Author:
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On 19 December 2016, the 2016 China-Israel Forum on Life Science Innovation and Investment hosted by Shoushan Wealth Holdings Co., Ltd. and Trendlines and supported by Sanpower Group was held in the headquarters building of Sanpower Group. Representatives from over forty domestic and overseas companies and scientific research institutions attended the conference, at which Gao Jing, senior director of the Health and Senior Care Strategic Service Management Centre of Sanpower Group shared the Natali health and senior-care case studies with the guests.

Wu Liangjun, chairman of Shoushan Wealth Holdings made a speech on the current status of and long-term planning in the broad health industry. Wu pointed out that the aging global population has sped up growth in demand for medical apparatus and that the medical market is promising. He also said that through this conference, Shoushan Wealth hoped to introduce the world’s most cutting-edge medical technology and drive strategic planning and resource coordination in broad health field.

Gao Jing introduced Sanpower Group’s strategic planning in the broad health field and using Natali as an example, discussed the company’s advanced health care and business activities in Israel, looking at brand advantage, service systems and operating platforms. The speech was spoken highly of by the company representatives present at the conference.

Todd Dollinger, Chairman of Trendlines told the conference that Trendlines, as an innovative commercial company, dedicates itself to serving the elderly population and hopes to solve practical issues related to senior care scientifically through medical apparatus and agricultural technology support.

Eight Israeli companies including Arcuro Medical, BioFishency and sZone promoted their projects such as all-suture and all-inside meniscus repair system, integrated water treatment system for aquaculture and real-time monitoring sensors for water content in the human body.