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Sanpower organises 2016 blood drive

Time Published:2017-01-06Source:Author:
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On the morning of December 29, Nanjing was bathing in brilliant sunshine and the headquarters building of Sanpower Group was warm. On this very day, Sanpower organized a blood drive in 2016.

At more than 8 AM, two blood donation vehicles from the Nanjing Red Cross Blood Center (NJRCBC) pulled into Sanpower's headquarters.

The donation drive began at 8:30 AM. Upon arrival, many colleagues hurried to the donation scene and waited to donate blood for those in need. Every face brimmed with a happy smile.

After completing forms, passing blood tests and physical examinations, they got on the vehicles for blood donation.

This event was organized by the Council of Trade Union and the Public Relations and Administration Centre of Sanpower, and supported by Sanpower's platforms.

It is the third year that Sanpower has organized the blood drive. Since joining Sanpower, many colleagues have participated in the event every year. Tang Weidong, Deputy Director of the Budget Management Centre, Sanpower, donated blood for the third time.

To Nie Yu, an accountant from Brookstone Electronics, it is her first year in Sanpower and her first time to donate blood. After donating blood and receiving a certificate of unpaid blood donation, she undertook to continue supporting charity events in the future.

More colleagues joined the event. Since joining Sanpower, they have taken active part in the event every year. Over 160 employees signed up for the event, many wanted to join on the scene, and 138 made successful donation with a total donation amount of 34,700 millimeters. Charity has gradually fused into the blood of Sanpower people.

According to the staff of NJRCBC, as it gets cold, the problem of "seasonal ischemia" began to emerge, and Sanpower's blood drive alleviated their winter blood shortage.