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Sanpower Group wins multiple HR awards including “China’s Best Employer 2016”

Time Published:2017-01-20Source:Author:
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On 31 December 2016, the Eleventh China Employer Branding Forum was held in Beijing and revealed the winner for China’s Best Employer 2016, among multiple other awards. Sanpower Group won China’s Best Employer 2016 and its Chairman Yuan Yafei won the title of the Chinese Entrepreneur Most Concerned with Employee Development in 2016. Sanpower Group also won the Different Innovative Employer award at the 2016 – Different Night National Awards Ceremony for Working Differently, held on 18 December 2016.

Employer branding plays an increasingly important role in attracting talented staff, having been called a secret weapon in the battles for talent. Sanpower Group has won China’s Best Employer award many years in a row. Its Chairman Yuan Yafei has also won the title of Entrepreneur Most Concerned with Employee Development a number of times. These awards reflect the fact that the company values its employees and the employees approve of the company.

Sanpower Group adheres to the principle of kindness and invests much in employee compensation and benefits, training and development, corporate culture, employee care and other areas, providing its employees with a career platform that promises the most development. Sanpower has introduced the idea of “building business partners” and sharing the fruits of development with its employees. Through its competitive compensation and benefit system, employee care system and the “Sanpower Dream”, it has ensured that the results of growth truly benefit its employees. Over the past one to two years, Sanpower Group has launched three asset management plans for its employees and its listed companies have twice launched employee stock ownership plans.

Meanwhile, Sanpower has also paid great attention to providing opportunities for employee development through internal training. In September 2012, Sanpower Group set up the Sanpower Management Academy to design and carry out a number of training activities, such as the Thousand Talents Program, Fledgling Eagles Program and the Group Eagle Program, which target employees at different levels and provide a platform for employee development.

In addition, Sanpower has also organised a wide variety of corporate culture activities to create a pleasant working environment. Through the annual Eight Ones Project, which provides employees with one spring trip, one athletic competition, one cultural and art festival and one volunteer activity, among other events, Sanpower creates a happy and healthy atmosphere for employees.

While developing its businesses, Sanpower has always adhered to the concept of the fruits of development benefiting society and has actively participated in charitable campaigns, giving back to society through practical acts. Founded in 2013, the Sanpower Volunteers Society has promoted and encouraged more Sanpower people to take part in charitable causes through a long-term mechanism and a variety of activities. At the same time, Sanpower has also encouraged employees to actively participate in social activities relating to wildlife protection by organising a variety of public environmental activities to allow employees learn in a fun manner and develop a sense of fulfilment and social responsibility.