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Thunderbird’s alumni visits Sanpower

Time Published:2016-10-25Source:Author:
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On October 14, a special “alumni gathering” took place at the headquarters of Sanpower Group (Sanpower). Over 40 celebrated alumni of the Thunderbird School of Global Management (Thunderbird) gathered in Sanpower. Yue Lei, Senior Vice President of Sanpower, received the visitors. Gu Bin, Director of the International Affairs Management Center; Ye Kan, Senior Director of the Investment and M&A Strategic Service Management Center and Hu Leiyong, Senior Director of the Public Relations and Administration Center were present.

The alumni of Thunderbird were from renowned companies like Coca-Cola, HSBC and Philips Lighting. They first visited Sanpower’s corporate culture showroom, Brookstone concept store and senior care service command center, learning about the history and transnational M&A of Sanpower.

Yue shared the logic, practice and experience of Sanpower’s international development. He said, Sanpower has made full preparation for internationalization from internal unity of thinking, organization restructuring and strengthening of team building. The purpose of Sanpower’s internationalization is to transform, reserve competitive edge and achieve its strategic goal. Sanpower has formed two features when going global: one is bringing in while going out by helping overseas member enterprises develop the Chinese market; the other is laying equal emphasis on business globalization and cultural globalization by paying special attention to cultural exchanges and people-to-people diplomacy while quickening the pace of international expansion. In the new period of transnational development and transformation, Sanpower will take this opportunity to establish a mechanism-based communication platform to lay an important foundation for establishing good interactive relations in the next period.

Alumna Merle Hinrich, founder of Hinrich Foundation, said he heard of Sanpower’s rapid development early. Thunderbird has been paying close attention to the growth of young people, and the talent is an important factor of corporate development. They highly recognized Sanpower’s outlook on talents, expecting to expand exchanges and cooperation with Sanpower and jointly create more opportunities for young people in the future.

Robert Theleen, Chairman of ChinaVest, Ltd., said he has reached cooperation consensus with Sanpower, is willing to share its experience in international business trade with Sanpower, and expects to further the cooperation with Sanpower. Also, ChinaVest will join Sanpower in more public activities to jointly assume social responsibilities and serve the society, he added.