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United for Wildlife ambassador Yue Lei answers WildAid’s call to save the rhino

Time Published:2016-10-30Source:Author:
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On the eve of the Hanoi Conference on Illegal Wildlife Trade, WildAid united more than 100 prominent Vietnamese business leaders for a pledge to never consume rhino horn or other illegal wildlife products. In a show of solidarity, the nation’s top business leaders joined in these efforts, urging for stronger enforcement and more effective wildlife conservation action.

John Baker (left) and Brian Adams (right) of WildAid with Mr. Yue Lei (center) of Sanpower

Consumer demand for rhino horn in Vietnam has fueled a rhino poaching crisis in South Africa. That’s why the WildAid Ambassador, Sir Richard Branson, flew to Ho Chi Minh City last year to help launch the “Pledge on Wildlife Conservation and Ending Demand for Rhino Horn in Vietnam” among an influential group of business leaders. Since then, another 75 CEOs and over 250 executives have also signed the pledge.

Mr. Yue Lei, SVP of Sanpower

Sanpower Group’s SVP, Yue Lei was invited to attend the event and held a private meeting with WildAid’s Managing Director John Baker and Asia Program Manager Brian Adams. Yue Lei briefed them on a series of wildlife protection actions Sanpower have been involved with in China since he became an ambassador of United for Wildlife. These included the company’s sponsorship of a wildlife protection charity that utilized specially-marked taxis in Nanjing, and establishing a wildlife protection fund with the British Royal Family. John Baker and Brian Adams spoke highly of Yue Lei and Sanpower ‘s contributions to wildlife protection and invited Yue Lei to visit WildAid’s Beijing Office to discuss areas of future cooperation between the two organizations.