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SVP Yue Lei visits Economic and Commercial Counsellor of China in Vietnam

Time Published:2016-11-30Source:Author:
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On 17 November, Yue Lei, Senior Vice President of Sanpower Group visited the Embassy of China in Vietnam and had a meeting with Hu Suojin, the economic and commercial counsellor of the Embassy of China in Vietnam. Yue was in Vietnam at that time attending the Third International Conference on the Illegal Wildlife Trade in Hanoi.

Hu Suojin expressed his affirmation for Yue Lei’s participation in wildlife protection as the global ambassador for United for Wildlife (UFW) along with British Duke of Cambridge Prince William. He believes that this has raised Sanpower Group’s popularity in Vietnam and laid the foundation for Sanpower to develop in the country.

Meanwhile, Hu also introduced the economic environment in Vietnam, adding that Vietnam is rich in resources and labour, and Vietnam’s devotion to economic development has brought a number of opportunities for growth. Vietnam is one of the countries along the Belt and Road, and Chinese firms’ long-term presence in the country means that they have become a solid part of the economy. He said that since President Xi Jinping’s visit in Vietnam last year, Chinese investment in Vietnam has shown a positive trend. In 2016, Vietnam will overtake Malaysia for the first time and become China’s largest trading partner among the ASEAN countries. Hu welcomed Sanpower Group to carry out an investment trip in Vietnam and said that he would provide policy support and coordination.

Yue Lei introduced Sanpower Group’s strategic investment plans, which is to establish a presence in developing countries and strengthen production capacity partnerships to develop the modern service industry with the Belt and Road Initiative at the centre. Meanwhile, he noted that Vietnam was one of the priority countries along the Belt and Road for Sanpower and Sanpower was willing to seek investment opportunities that can create synergy with the group’s sectoral development. Both parties stated that they would continue to communicate and seek opportunities for cooperation with the Economic and Commercial Cousellor’s Office at the Embassy as a go-between.