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SVP Yue Lei meets with Peter Phillips, SEL UK Managing Director

Time Published:2016-10-12Source:Author:
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On 21 September London Time, Yue Lei, Senior Vice President of Sanpower Group, met with Peter Phillips, Managing Director of SEL (Sports & Entertainment Ltd.) UK in London, to discuss the cooperation in China.

Founded in Australia in 1997, SEL is a market leader in sports & entertainment, management, marketing and commercialization. SEL has branches in Sydney, Melbourne, the Gold Coast and London. Founded in May 2012 by Peter Phillips, former Head of Global Sponsorship at the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), SEL has jumped as a global “player” with a broad business range and an experienced team.

Yue introduced Sanpower’s business development at home and abroad. The two sides expected to establish further relations, integrate respective strategic and resource advantages, develop the Chinese market collaboratively, and carry out cultural and sports cooperation in China.