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SVP Yue Lei meets with Deputy Mayor of London

Time Published:2016-10-12Source:Author:
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On 23 September London Time, during “Nanjing Week”, London Design Festival 2016, Yue Lei, Senior Vice President of Sanpower Group, accompanied a delegation led by Xu Ning, Member of the Standing Committee and Director of the Propaganda Department of the CPC Nanjing Municipal Committee to the London City Hall. The visitors held separate talks with Justine Simons, Deputy Mayor of London.

Since the opening of the “golden age” between China and the UK, the cooperation and dialogues between the two sides in diverse fields have become increasingly close. And Nanjing has played a positive role of pacesetter, activator and constructor in bilateral relations. Since last year, over 20 political and business delegations from Nanjing have visited the UK. The success of "Nanjing Week" deepened the friendship between Nanjing and London.

In separate talks, Yue introduced Sanpower’s development in the UK in recent years, telling Simons that House of Fraser and Hamleys, two time-honored British brands, will make their way into China this year and successively open their first Chinese stores in Nanjing. In the coming period, Sanpower will speed up collaboration according to its strategic plan to help them develop the Chinese market, and will continue to seek investment opportunities in China. He also introduced the joint efforts of Sanpower and Historic Royal Palaces to launch the repair of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew to promote the cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and the UK.

Simons has heard of Sanpower’s investment and development in the UK early. She thought that Sanpower’s business and cultural moves have promoted the economic and trade relations between China and the UK. The Tale of Two Pagodas comes at the right time, enjoys popular support in both countries, and will be an iconic event in bilateral cultural exchanges, said her.