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HOF signs strategic cooperation agreement with Propeller TV

Time Published:2016-10-08Source:Author:
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On 22 September London Time, House of Fraser (HOF), a time-honored British department store brand under Sanpower Group, signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Propeller TV, UK. Yue Lei, Senior Vice President of Sanpower, attended the signing ceremony.

From left to right: Ji Liang, Overseas Brand Director, Sanpower; Frank Slevin, Chairman of HOF UK; Ye Zhenzhen, Chairman of Propeller TV; Yue Lei, Senior Vice President of Sanpower and Gu Bin, International Affairs Director, Sanpower

The signing of this agreement marks that the two sides have forged a solid strategic partnership. Propeller TV will help HOF and Sanpower expand their brand influence in the UK and the world. Slevin and Ye addressed the signing ceremony, expressing their good wish for longstanding cooperation.

Frank Slevin (L), Chairman of HOF UK and Ye Zhenzhen (R), Chairman of Propeller TV sign an MOU on strategic cooperation

Propeller TV is a European multi-media company targeting the world. It delivers quality Chinese and English programs all day, boasts over 17 million subscribers in the UK, and has reached over 30 million families in 45 European countries and regions. In July 2009, this satellite TV station funded by the British government was taken over by Xiking Culture and Media Group to become China’s first TV channel entering the European and American mainstream society. Because of this special status, Propeller TV has implanted more and more Chinese elements in its programs while retaining their original features. To date, it has delivered over 8,500 hours of Chinese programs so as to become an important bridge of cultural exchange linking China to the UK and Europe.

Propeller TV has been committed to being a messenger in Sino-British cooperation. TV is an important channel of cultural exchanges. Through this channel, Propeller TV expects to disseminate profound Chinese culture to Europe and the world, play the role of economic bridge and build a platform for the globalization of Chinese enterprises. House of Fraser and Propeller TV are both British enterprises acquired by Chinese enterprises, Propeller TV is willing to help HOF and its Chinese parent company-Sanpower expand their influence in the UK and the world through its resources and channels, said Ye.

Propeller TV has strong media resources and influence in the UK and the world, said Slevin. He expected to enhance the brand image and influence of HOF and Sanpower and tell the stories of friendly cooperation between Chinese enterprises and British enterprises through this platform.

Yue spoke highly of the significance of the cooperation. Sino-British relations are in a “golden age”, high-level and social contacts between the two countries have been close, and Sanpower has developed a deep feeling for the UK. Chinese enterprises need to blend themselves into local culture in order to develop in the UK, British enterprises need to adapt to and blend themselves into Chinese culture in order to develop in China, and the audience of Propeller TV is spread in tens of countries and regions and covers five million Chinese families. Propeller TV familiar with the UK and China is an important bond of Sino-British cultural exchanges. The strategic partnership will integrate respective resources and advantages to accomplish common development and meet the expectation of cooperation.