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Training program students from East Timor visit Sanpower

Time Published:2016-11-25Source:Author:
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Yet another friend from the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road for Sanpower! On 16th November, 17 students participating in the “Training Program for the Economic and Cultural Integration between China and East Timor” came to visit Sanpower Group and were received by Hua Guikan, Assistant President of the Group. The program was organized by the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) and undertaken by the Academy for International Business Officials (AIBO).

As a representative of the Chinese private enterprises that actively engage in the “go global” strategy and the Belt and Road Initiative, Sanpower Group has received many business delegations from countries along the Belt and Road. It pursues multi-dimensional cooperation and communication with those countries at all levels and in all aspects. Meanwhile, the Group also offers a glimpse at the Chinese private sector that sticks to its belief in “openness, cooperation and win-win progress” and strives for rapid development by “going global”. On 19th August this year, AIBO arranged a study visit to Sanpower for about 100 business officials from 25 countries. During the visit, the Group was identified as a regular learning base for MOFCOM’s training center.

The “Training Program for the Economic and Cultural Integration between China and East Timor” this time has recruited 17 people from the government departments and business circle of East Timor. And apart from the seminars held in Beijing, the trainees paid a special visit to Sanpower for more knowledge about Chinese economy and the development of Chinese enterprises so as to deepen the trade and economic cooperation between the two countries.

The trainees were led to the Showroom of Sanpower Home, the Ageing Service Command Centre and the concept store Brookstone where they experienced the novel products on display. Meanwhile, they were also introduced to the Group’s core industries and international achievements. From the growth of Sanpower, the trainees caught a glimpse of the grandeur China has achieved in the past few years.

While communicating, Hua Guikan introduced the scope of Sanpower Group’s international business, its ideas about overseas acquisition, its future plan for overseas expansion and other things. The trainees said that East Timor was a tiny country with a small population and that it looked forward to strengthening cooperation with Chinese enterprises so as to boost the development of their country. They also hoped that Sanpower would visit East Timor for potential opportunities of cooperation. In response, Hua said that the Belt and Road Initiative China had proposed was intended to benefit the countries involved with Chinese products and services as well as open up new possibilities for them, so as East Timor was located along the route of the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road, Sanpower was very willing to communicate and cooperate with it and also welcomed recommendation of good projects and partners.