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Silicon Valley mayors visit Sanpower

Time Published:2016-11-25Source:Author:
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On 18th November, a delegation formed by mayors, business leaders and scholars from the cities in the Silicon Valley arrived in Nanjing for a two-day visit, choosing Sanpower Group as its first stop.

The head of the delegation was Devon Mathis, Congressman of California, and its deputy head was Stephanie Xu, First Vice President of East West Bank and President of US-Asia Innovation Gateway. Other members also included Carol Dutra Vernaci, Mayor of Union City. Wu Gang, Vice President of Sanpower Group, and Ji Liang, Deputy Director of the Culture and Brand Management Centre at Sanpower Group, extended a warm welcome to the delegation.

Led by Devon Mathis, the delegation first visited the showroom demonstrating Sanpower’s corporate culture, the concept store Brookstone and the Senior Care Service Command Centre, which gave them a comprehensive understanding of the company’s history, current business structure and future development plan.

Afterwards, the delegation had in-depth exchanges with Sanpower Group. Mr. Ji gave every member a book entitled “B&R: Charming Cultural Economy” and made an introduction of the Group’s active participation in the national strategy—the Belt and Road Initiative. Devon Mathis also gave a gift in return. He said that he was deeply impressed by Sanpower Group and looked forward to further communication and cooperation.