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Indonesian consul-general in Shanghai visits Sanpower Group

Time Published:2016-11-28Source:Author:
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On 18 November, Siti Nugraha Mauludiah, the Indonesian consul-general in Shanghai, visited Sanpower Group, bringing along other guests. Wu Gang, Vice President of the Group, received the visitors. Hu Leiyong, Director of the Public Relations and Administration Centre, and Ji Liang, Deputy Director of the Culture and Brand Management Centre, also attended the reception.

Along with her party, Siti Nugraha Mauludiah first visited the Sanpower Corporate Culture Showroom and Ageing Service Command Centre, which gave her a deeper understanding of Sanpower’s sectoral and strategic positioning. Siti Nugraha Mauludiah expressed her admiration for the fast pace of Sanpower’s international development.

During the subsequent meeting, Siti Nugraha Mauludiah gave an introduction to the nation of Indonesia, its economic development and investment environment. She noted that the Indonesian consulate in Shanghai was willing to share information on Indonesian investment policies among other information with Sanpower. She also invited Sanpower to travel to Indonesia to explore business opportunities and carry out investment negotiations. Wu Gang introduced Sanpower’s achievements in overseas M&A and overseas development planning. He said that to respond to the Belt and Road Initiative, Sanpower was willing to develop a friendly partnership with Indonesia and would continue these communications after the meeting, nothing that he looked forward to achievements in the next meeting between both parties.

Indonesia is the country to which the Maritime Silk Road initiative is being first introduced. It is also a major pivot point along the Belt and Road. During the progress of “going global”, Sanpower Group has actively responded to the national Belt and Road policy. It has carried out exchanges with Singapore, India, Czech, Slovenia and other countries along the Belt and Road, and been seeking opportunities for business partnerships and development with these countries. From now on, Sanpower will continue to expand its business in countries along the Belt and Road, integrate global resources and deepen cooperative partnerships.