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Famous British violinist Charlie Siem visits Sanpower Group

Time Published:2016-11-28Source:Author:
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On 8 November, the famous British violin guru Charlie Siem visited Sanpower Group. Yue Lei, Senior Vice President of Sanpower Group, received the guest, accompanied by Ji Liang, Deputy Director of the Culture and Brand Management Centre.

Charlie Siem is not only a top British violinist, but also a brilliant composer. The relationship between Charlie Siem and Sanpower originated during Nanjing Week of the 2016 London Design Festival, for which he was the promotional ambassador. Chairman of Sanpower Group Yuan Yafei is also one of the promotional ambassadors for Nanjing Week. As chief commander of the Sanpower Nanjing Week and ambassador of United For Wildlife (UfW), Yue Lei has met Charlie Siem many times during Nanjing Week. What happened when the two ambassadors met this time?

Yue Lei showed Charlie Siem around the Sanpower Showroom of Corporate Culture, Brookstone concept store and Ageing Service Command Centre to allow Charlie Siem to gain a deeper understanding of Sanpower’s development history and overseas positioning. During his visit, Charlie frequently gave a thumbs-up for Sanpower’s rapid development. After learning about Sanpower’s overseas M&A activities, he repeatedly exclaimed “wow!”

In the subsequent discussion, Yue Lei expressed his welcome to Charlie Siem. He said that Charlie was not only a distinguished guest of Sanpower, but also a friend of Nanjing. The Sino-British relationship is in its “golden age”. Therefore, the two countries need to not only build increasingly stronger economic and trade relations, but also to strengthen the ties of cultural exchange and cooperation. Yue Lei said that he looked forward to having more discussion and cooperation with Charlie Siem in the fields of culture and art more to create more memories between Nanjing and London through real activities.

Charlie Siem said that he felt honoured to be Sanpower’s guest. He will use the Nanjing Week activities as an opportunity to fulfil his duties as promotional ambassador, further promoting grassroots cultural exchange between the two countries.