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Sanpower Group signs MOU with Copenhagen Capacity

Time Published:2016-12-05Source:Author:
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On 23 November, Sophie Andersen, chairman of the Capital Region of Denmark, along with a delegation, visited Jiangsu. The two parties signed three cooperation agreements, which will bring multiple medical benefits to residents in Jiangsu. Among the agreements, Sanpower Group has signed a memorandum of understanding regarding exchange, cooperation and investment in a number of fields including life and healthcare with Copenhagen Capacity (Copcap). Shi Taifeng, Deputy Secretary of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and Governor of Jiangsu Province, and Zhang Lei, Vice Governor witnessed the signing of the agreements.

The Capital Region of Denmark is one of the strongest regions in Europe in terms of its economy and technology, especially the life, technology and medical health industries. In that region, Medicon Valley is the largest and the fastest-growing healthcare industry cluster in Europe. Copenhagen Capacity (Copcap) is affiliated to government of the Capital Region, responsible for promoting investment and economic cooperation. Its major duty is assisting foreign business organizations in conducting better project investment and industry cooperation in Denmark, including expanding the commercial channels leading to Europe.

Over recent years, Sanpower Group has been actively establishing its health and elderly care business. The sector, covering biotherapeutics, health and elderly care and hospital management, has become one of the major industries driving Sanpower’s development. The memorandum of understanding notes that both Sanpower Group and Copcap consider the life and healthcare as one of their core businesses, and both parties will seek cooperation on technologies and projects, wherein they are both interested in the field of life and healthcare so as to improve the well-being of citizens in the two countries. Both parties will establish a frequent communication mechanism and regularly update each other with relevant information to increase mutual understanding. In addition to life and healthcare, they will actively negotiate and explore possibilities of cooperation in other fields that they are interested in.

Before signing the agreements, the delegation made up of the government of the Capital Region of Denmark alongside life and healthcare firms visited Sanpower Group. During discussions, the delegation made a detailed introduction to the characteristics in the governmental healthcare field in the Capital Region of Denmark, such as the application of virtual reality equipment to healthcare and chronic disease (elderly) health management. The delegation looked forward to promoting mutual cooperation in the life and healthcare industry and achieving win-win through further discussions with Sanpower Group about how to combine their attributes and strengths.