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Sanpower Group receives CSR and Business Leader Awards in London

Time Published:2016-12-09Source:Author:
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Frank Slevin (Middle), Executive Chairman of House of Fraser, SVP of Sanpower Group

On November 18th, the 2016 Chinese Business Leaders Award Ceremony and the 6th Chinese Financial Festival was held in London. It aimed to recognize and celebrate the most talented individuals within the UK’s Chinese business community. The Award Ceremony and Gala Dinner this year were hosted at the Ballroom of the Park Lane Hotel.

Joined by over 300 Chinese business executives, entrepreneurs and city professionals, the event celebrated the achievements of Chinese business leaders working in the UK, while also giving the participants a chance to enjoy an evening of motivational speeches and ample networking opportunities. The China Business Leaders Awards Ceremony was sponsored by a number of companies, including the Berkeley Group, Sino Pro, and Alibaba ants, while the British-China Trade Association and London’s local brand magazine, Brummell jointly hosted the first-ever outstanding Chinese business talent selection competition in the UK.

At the award ceremony, Sanpower Group was awarded the "Corporate Social Responsibility - Special Contribution Award." Frank Slevin, Chairman of the House of Fraser UK, accepted this award on behalf of the company. The award was given in recognition of the dedication and values that Sanpower has maintained in the field of CSR, as well as the company’s active promotion of civil and cultural exchanges. In addition, Sanpower Group’s Senior Vice President, Mr. Yue Lei was awarded the “Outstanding Chinese Business Leader Award.”