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SVP Yue Lei appointed JSCF Honorary President

Time Published:2016-12-14Source:Author:
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To help needy children treat major diseases, help school-age orphans and impoverished college students complete their studies, and comfort poverty-stricken families during the Spring Festival, the Jiangsu Charity Federation (JSCF) has intensified support since 2005. Base-level charity organizations have developed rapidly and a growing number of needy people have been warmed. By late 2015, Jiangsu's charity federations at all levels had raised a total charity fund of 22.121 billion yuan, ranking first in China.

On December 5, the 3rd Member Congress of JSCF was held. The new council was elected, with Jiang Hongkun, Vice Chairman and Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Standing Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress as Chairman. Li Bengong, President of JSCF, attended and addressed the congress. Chen Zhenning, Vice Governor of Jiangsu Province, was present and delivered a speech. Yue Lei, Senior Vice President of Sanpower Group (Sanpower), was appointed Honorary President of JSCF.

Li Qiang, Secretary of the CPC Jiangsu Province Committee and Shi Taifeng, Governor of Jiangsu Province, gave instructions, raising high expectations for JSCF. Li noted that JSCF has united with and organized all walks of life for charity efforts, and played an important role in advancing the development of Jiangsu's charity and promoting social harmony. He expected JSCF to further standardize its working process and renovate its working methods, raise funds actively and design charity projects elaborately, publicize the Charity Law and the provincial charity regulations in depth, vigorously carry forward charity culture, constantly improve working level and effects, and make development achievements benefit more people in Jiangsu more equally, so as to make new greater contributions to building a prosperous, wealthy, beautiful and highly civilized new Jiangsu.

As a homegrown enterprise in Jiangsu, Sanpower has upheld the responsibility outlook and values of "benefiting the society first" over the past 23 years since its founding. For years, it has made remarkable contributions to fighting against natural disasters, supporting education, aiding the disadvantageous and promoting social harmony, donating a total amount of over 300 million yuan.

In November 2015, Sanpower donated 1.1 million yuan to Lianfeng Village, Huangquqiao Town, Pingluo County, Ningxia to build new roads measuring 1,050 meters. In April 2016, Sanpower Homecare & Healthcare donated homecare equipment worth some 2.28 million yuan to the empty-nest elderly in Baoshan District, Shanghai. after a sudden tornado hit Funing, Jiangsu Province in June 2016, Hisap under Sanpower delivered living supplies to the Funing Charity Federation at the earliest possible time, and sent Brookstone Flying Squad to assist the armed police force in air rescue. Also, through the "Sanpower Volunteers Society", Sanpower drove all employees to join long-effective institutional charity campaigns to integrate charity into the cultural gene of Sanpower.

Sanpower's charity efforts are not confined to China. With the business globalization of Sanpower in recent two years, Sanpower's charity has gone global. In 2015, Yuan Yafei, Chairman of Sanpower and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge jointly launched a wildlife protection initiative. In 2016, Yue Lei was appointed the Chinese ambassador for United for Wildlife (UfW) to protect wildlife worldwide. In 2016, Sanpower launched the restoration of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew known as the Porcelain Tower in London along with its subsidiaries, for the purpose of protecting Chinese historical and cultural heritage abroad.

A benevolent enterprise donation ceremony was held at the congress. Sanpower donated five million yuan to JSCF for poverty relief.