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Vaud delegation visits Sanpower

Time Published:2016-12-12Source:Author:
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On November 25, Sanpower greeted a delegation from Vaud, Switzerland. The delegation comprised more than 20 government, business and academic tycoons, including Lionel Eperon, Director of the Office of Economic Trade Promotion, Department of Economy and Sports, Canton of Vaud; Raphal Conz, Head of Enterprise Promotion, Office of Economic Trade Promotion, Department of Economy and Sports, Canton of Vaud; Jean-Fredric Berthoud, Director of Economic Development, Canton of Vaud; Grald Broud, Chairman of Chinese Perspective-China Social Research Service Company and Zhou Zongyi, Chief of the Division of Foreign Affairs, Department of Commerce of Jiangsu Province. They successively visited Suzhou, Shanghai and Nanjing. Nanjing is the last station of their tour as well as the terminal station valued by them. Sanpower was the only enterprise surveyed by them in Nanjing.

Hua Guikan, Assistant President of Sanpower, received the guests. After visiting Sanpower's corporate culture showroom, Vaud delegation acquired an initial understanding of Sanpower's industries.

Sanpower's diversified industries aroused the strong interest of the delegation. The two sides discussed the potential cooperation fields between Vaud and Sanpower. Eperon introduced Switzerland's investment environment and warmly welcomed Sanpower to Switzerland for investment. Although Sanpower and Vaud differ in environment, they have both enhanced their competitiveness through innovation. Switzerland has world leading innovation and research capabilities, while Vaud has outstanding innovation power and leads in cancer therapy and tourism. He expected Vaud to work with Sanpower in these fields.

Hua presented Nanjing's characteristic brocade to Eperon. He introduced that Sanpower has made persistent efforts on finance, consumption and health, thus forming an industrial ecosphere in which finance, consumption, health, technology and property interact. From birth to adulthood and to senility, Sanpower's customers can enjoy its products and services all their lives. Vaud and Jiangsu have been friendly exchange provinces, today the two sides made initial communication and knew each other, said him, expecting the two sides to achieve fruitful cooperation results in the future.