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Sanpower Group wins second Nanjing Public Diplomacy Phoenix Tree Award

Time Published:2017-01-12Source:Author:
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On 29 December, the Nanjing Public Diplomacy Association held its 2016 Meeting and General Assembly in Nanjing. Lv Fengding, vice president of the China Public Diplomacy Association and former deputy director of the Central Foreign Affairs Office, Long Xiang, deputy secretary of Nanjing City, Miu Helin, chairman of the Nanjing Municipal CPPCC and president of the Nanjing Public Diplomacy Association, and Liu Jian, former vice chairman of the Nanjing Municipal CPPCC and executive vice president of the association among others attended the meeting.

The winners of the Third Nanjing Public Diplomacy Phoenix Tree Awards were announced during the conference. Following a six-month process of nominations by broad sections of society, online voting and expert assessments, Yue Lei, Senior Vice President of Sanpower Group was revealed to be among the nine people who won the Envoy of Friendly Exchange Award. Sanpower Group was among the seven companies to be awarded the Annual Outstanding Contribution Award. The “Nanjing International Art Festival” was among three other events to win the Excellent Cultural Creativity Award. The Outstanding Academic Research Award and Association Advanced Work Award were announced as well.

While taking its businesses global, Sanpower Group has been active in carrying out public diplomacy activities and promoting Chinese culture abroad, demonstrating a good image and corporate responsibility for private companies in Nanjing. For this reason, Sanpower won the Nanjing Public Diplomacy Phoenix Tree Award’s Annual Outstanding Contribution Award for the second time.