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Sanpower Group awarded honorary title of “Annual Influential Brand”

Time Published:2017-01-26Source:Author:
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On 17 January, and the Jiangsu Association of Financial Planners held the Jiangsu Industry and Finance Innovation Development Forum and 2016 Annual Top Innovation Award Conference in Nanjing. At the forum, the results of the 2016 Jiangsu Industry and Finance Innovation awards were announced and Sanpower Group, XCMG and the Bank of Jiangsu, among other companies and financial organisations, were listed as the winners.

According to the organisers, the decision for the top award followed more than one month of online voting and offline expert evaluation. There were seven awards announced, which were the Annual Innovation Service Award, Annual Green Financial Innovation Award, Annual Innovation Practice Award, Annual Inclusive Finance Innovation Award, Annual Influential Brand, Annual Innovative Team, and the Annual Special Contribution Award. The evaluation focused on innovative activities in industry and finance over the past year among companies and financial organisations in Jiangsu Province.

At the forum, Qian Zhixin, professor of Nanjing University and former director of the Jiangsu Development & Reform Commission, Dai Zhifeng, assistant director of Soochow Securities, and Mao Kecheng, president of Gold Mantis, delivered keynote speeches. The announcement of the 2016 Jiangsu Industry and Finance Innovation awards was the highlight of the evening. Thanks to its excellent performance in terms of brand influence in 2016, Sanpower Group won the honorary title of Annual Influential Brand.