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Sanpower holds annual executive report conference

Time Published:2017-01-26Source:Author:
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To objectively evaluate the work, cultural practice and leadership performance of Sanpower’s executives in 2016, the Group Chairman Office, the Sanpower Management Academy and the Human Resources Management Centre organised a two-month report conference for leaders of the Presidents’ Office, executives at the “11” level and above, and executives of all platforms.

With the rapid development of Sanpower, the report conference has been improved constantly. According to the Sanpower Management Academy, compared to last year, this year’s conference had three highlights: I. Broader coverage: Executives of overseas platforms delivered reports for the first time this year—Brookstone CEO Steven Goldsmith, House of Fraser Chairman Frank Slevin and Natali CEO Nimrod Altman delivered reports on the spot or through video. II. More comprehensive content: Apart from core competence and synergy, this year’s conference emphasized the presentation of executives’ leadership. III. Fair evaluation: Apart from field evaluation, online assessment was conducted for the first time.

In 2016, a total of 67 executives at Sanpower delivered reports and 332 were involved in evaluation; a total of 54 executives from all platforms delivered reports and 494 were involved. The Presidents’ Office Annual Work Report Conference, the most important session of the work report conference, ran for three days from January 15. At the conference, 27 leaders of the Presidents’ Office as well as heads of domestic and overseas platforms reviewed their work in the past year in the “five-new” sector, the functional sector, and the investment and M&A sector, reported results and deficiencies, came up with improvement measures, and expounded their work ideas and measures for the New Year. Chairman Yuan Yafei and President Yang Huaizhen of Sanpower made impressive comments on their annual work, speaking highly of their performance in the past year, and raising higher requirements and expectation.