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Yuhuatai Public Security Sub-bureau signs MOU with Sanpower on “police-enterprise co-building”

Time Published:2017-01-26Source:Author:
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On January 22, Jiang Mengmang, Director-General of the Yuhuatai Public Security Sub-bureau, led members of the Party Committee and all staff at or above the level of chief, inspector and head to Sanpower Group. Yue Lei, Senior Vice President of Sanpower, warmly received the visitors. Senior President Wang Mingyuan, Assistant President Hua Guikan, Senior Director Hu Leiyong and other executives of Sanpower were present. The sub-bureau signed an MOU on “police-enterprise co-building” with Sanpower.

The guests visited Sanpower’s corporate culture showroom, Brookstone concept store and Ageing Service Command Centre. Hu introduced Sanpower’s development history and strategic layout, especially its transformation and upgrading in the consumption field and its prospects in the health industry. Many of them visited Sanpower for the first time. They marveled at Sanpower's development speed and strategic vision.

Since Sanpower was relocated to Yuhuatai District in 2013, the Yuhuatai Public Security Sub-bureau has offered strong support. To further promote the relations between the police and the enterprise, the sub-bureau signed an MOU with Sanpower. Yin Zhixiang, Political Commissar of the Yuhuatai Public Security Sub-bureau and Hu Leiyong, Senior Director of Sanpower signed the MOU on behalf of respective sides. Jiang, Yue and Wang witnessed the signing of the MOU. "Police-enterprise co-building" is the important embodiment of the sub-bureau changing its working concept and style, as well as an important practice of deepening the campaign of "police-enterprise pairing".

At the ensuing meeting, Yue delivered a speech under the theme of "Innovation for Future". He said that the institutionalization of "police-enterprise cooperation" between Sanpower and the sub-bureau shows a spirit of innovation, noting that the spirit is the biggest weapon for the constant development of Sanpower over the past 24 years since its establishment. He shared Sanpower's innovative idea and concept in its fourth transformation, i.e. globalization, and introduced the outstanding performance of Sanpower's subsidiaries-Pengyuan Credit Service and Guangzhou Jinpeng in public security assistance.

The cooperation between Sanpower and the sub-bureau shows the open and innovative thinking of both sides, as well as the common sense of social mission and values. "Behind the MOU is both sides' sense of responsibility and overall situation." The two sides exchanged ideas on more than ten issues such as cultural co-building, business co-building and charity co-building, said Yue.

Jiang spoke highly of Sanpower's positive role in promoting police-enterprise harmony, adding that the sub-bureau will promote cooperation with innovative thinking and complement each other's advantages to jointly build a harmonious society.