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CIBL Executive Deputy Director Visits Sanpower and Gives the Thumbs up to Sanpower’s Soft Power

Time Published:2017-12-29Source:Author:
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"As the whole world is learning Chinese, Confucius's words are becoming more and more international…" On December 21, a delegation led by Dr. Lu Hong, Executive Deputy Director of the LSE Confucius Institute of Business London (CIBL) visited Sanpower Group (Sanpower). Yue Lei, Global Executive Vice President of Sanpower, Cui Chunlan, Executive President of Sanpower Management Academy,  Mark Logan, Senior Director of Corporate Culture and Branding and other executives of Sanpower received the delegation.

The delegation visited Brookstone concept store and Aging Service Command Center. After learningabout Sanpower's development history, business layout, corporate culture and social responsibility, Lu appreciated the soft power of Sanpower’s culture.



At the ensuing meeting, Lu elaborated on CIBL, expecting Sanpower Group to promote its internationalization concept more effectively through the institute and to make its voice heard in more places by more people.

Regarding Lu's suggestions, Yue said that Sanpower Group has its own methodology during going global, which is the combination Buddhist thought, Confucian behavior and Taoist mentality. In the future, with a broad mind and courage, Sanpower should undertake the important mission of conveying cultural confidence to the world and work with the institute to share China's values to the outside world.




Tips: Dr. Lu was granted the "Order of the British Empire" (OBE) by the British Queen in 2015 as the only Chinese winner of that year in recognition of her positive contributions to Sino-UK cultural exchanges.